Course Features
Linxus users enjoy a variety of fun and stimulating features. Features include gaming technology for maximum engagement, strategies that help facilitate retention, parent and teacher guides to ensure the program is properly implemented and that parents are involved. Together, all of these features help ensure students acquire skills they need for long-term success.
Keeping students motivated is one of the most difficult aspects of teaching new material. By integrating the latest gameplay mechanics into our courses, students discover learning that is challenging, yet engaging and fun.
Each Linxus course includes pre- and post- testing, so teachers can compare results to measure the effectiveness of the program. This evaluative tool is simple to administer and the results can be analyzed through our convenient dashboard.
On-screen characters, Meg and Simon, help connect learners to the content as they coach them through each chapter. Characters add an emotional element that fosters learning, captures your students’ attention, and keeps them attuned to the content.
How do you encourage students to retain information they have learned? You provide them with strategies and techniques that help them recall information. Each lesson is packed with methods to help students transfer knowledge for maximum retention.
Linxus reinforces each topic with frequent and highly interactive quizzes, called knowledge checks, that students find both interesting and enjoyable. At the end of each chapter, students complete Connect and Reflect activities to further extend learning. Connect activities encourage student-parent interaction about each topic. Reflect activities allow students to connect the topic to their personal experiences.
Linxus courses have been carefully designed to ensure accessibility to all students including those who are color blind, require a screen reader, or need captioning. To this end, color combinations, font size, and captioning, have been thoughtfully applied.
As educators we know that students perform better in school when they have solid foundations in organization, life skills like teamwork and cooperative learning as well as strong character skills. Linxus, the student development software provided our students with an interactive technology venue to practice these skills.